Thursday, May 30, 2013

Love. Honor. And Cherish 3.

Wow. The Bouquet Lady just can't seem to stop finding incredible handmade gifts for your bridal party!

Today's artisan is one The Bouquet Lady knows of personally. The Bouquet Lady purchased a set of this incredible work for her own wedding!

This elegant, hand-painted stemware from Handpaintedgifts will be perfect for your toast. Frances does gorgeous work. The Bouquet Lady and Dear Hubby own champagne flutes and cake server and knife from Ms. Bouffard.  Here we are with Dear Uncle Brian, who called himself the world's oldest best man. We are holding our hand-painted champagne flutes from Handpaintedgifts found on Etsy, like all of the other handmade gifts pictured. Aren't these two men adorable?

Our glasses!

I LOVE the color!

And it just keeps getting better!

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